Friday, September 01, 2006

Yay again ^^

So I've gotten past how awkward last night was. Kinda. Tonight was better lol. And that sounds wrong - but I don't mean it that way lol.

But anywho... Work was okay today. I had to work with a new girl who was a prep-raver. It wasn't that bad - I just didn't have any music she likes. I got the day off tomorrow! But I have to wake up at about 8 am to get down to my school for registration and crap before 11:45. But I get to meet Kai and Carla at the band room ^_^ Which I have missed infinitely. I'm also going to get my hair done (cut short, dyed black with purple or electric blue highlights) AND am attending another midnight Rocky Horror show with Nathaniel, Gordy, and Carla. 'Cause no one else can come. Poo. But Lei is going to be there and I shall enjoy rubbing it in his face that I'm very happy with Nathaniel and am also very happy with him out of my life. GONE! MWAHAHAA!! *cough* I have to work again on Saturday, then Sunday is my last day XD Then I have two days before first day of school. Don't know where I'm going to fit the tattoo in though. Probably after school starts, because I know what I want, I just need to work out the details. Woot. Umm what else... All my Zim episodes are done downloading! I can now try to burn DVDs for friends. Because ripping the official ones and burning onto DVDs wasn't working. Fuck! I'm missing Tripping the Rift! Ah well. There are always DVDs to buy and downloads to... download.

SO yeah, back to the beginning of the post. I'm slowly getting more used to this relationship thing (sick of using that word lol) but I still feel like there's more I need to say. But it's not all there. Or something. I don't know. Gah. But I have to stop typing now because my sister is coming for her turn on the computer.


Blogger Spockula said...

Aww thanks =D I am happy. And that last sentence made no sense at all lmao

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweetie...of course it did. You are just not weird enough to be able to understand it :)

and just cuz I can...

HEY KAI! *POKE* *runs away*

2:56 AM  
Blogger Spockula said...

Oh... okay I get it now. She meant it like - that was the face's name. It's the I'm Too Tired To Think Straight. Funny how I finally got that after having even less sleep than at the time I first read it.

4:48 AM  

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