Sunday, October 08, 2006

Think up your own god damn title

I tried changing the look of my computer today (desktop, skins, etc.) but it didn't work out so well. I found an awesome Trillian skin (started using Trillian again last night after remembering how much better it is than MSN), but it stopped at iTunes. How many times have I caused myself endless frustration by trying to make iTunes do what I want it to? It refuses to let me go back to version 6, and I can't skin it at all in version 7. At least the assholes fixed all the bugs. Ugh.

So I got a few hours' break from my week of bad luck when me and Nina went to the Movie Dome (saw You, Me, and Dupree), overdosed on sugar, etc. She fell asleep as soon as we got home (in my dress >_>) so I went on the computer until about 2:30 am. Then had to wake up at 5 am so Nina could call in sick to work. That was a lot of drama. At least I got to go back to sleep until 10-ish. I sort of had plans for the day, but whatever. I don't think I could've tolerated people anyway.

All day I've felt the need to have a serious conversation with someone - anyone, really - but everyone's been so distant lately that all IMs go like this:

Me: hey
Them: hi
Me: whats up?
Them: nm
Me (some time later): Anyway... hows it going?
Them: good *signs off*

And that's about it. Because of course it's completely unheard of to actually USE instant messaging software. I guess that's why I'm blogging though.

And now for something unrelated: I'm sorry I'm needy and too busy worrying about what may or may not be wrong with my mind. And don't try to say I'm not, I know it's true.

Wait... what's the purpose of this entry? Subconscious need for pity, or the need to trick myself into feeling like I'm using my time semi-productively? Okay this is getting a little too pathetic.


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