Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Don't bother reading most of this. LOTS of boring trivial crap.

I'm exhausted.

Today started out pretty badly, but it got way better about three quarters through jazz band. I had double art in which I started a project and actually got far enough in it to not be way behind everyone else. One minor setback, but I managed to ignore it - either that or getting kicked out of the class for [trying to] beat somenoe's head in. *cough* So anyway, watched that stupid video for tech theater at lunch again. I had to watch it before in drama. That was pretty lame yet I felt like it needed some call out lines. Double social sucked because I was pretty much ignored throughout the whole thing. But no big deal. OH and after school I went to the band room as usual and Alyssa was there! We did the big glomp thing, screeched a bit, talked, etc. Then I went across the hall to wrestling, which Nina convinced me to join in art class. All we did was line up, heaviest to lightest - boys on one side, girls on the other, then did various cardivascular and leg stuff. Which was hard, because I'm weak and kinda pathetic. At least I didn't have to carry anyone when it was time for body carries. Instead, I was carried by Nina and some other girl. The other girl ground my intestines into little bits with her shoulder and Nina dropped me on my knee. Fun fun.

After that, I went back to the band room to sit with Alyssa, Sarah, Melissa, and Katrina (visiting too) and talked a bit. We have this brand new old-ish clarinet that's the most amazing one I've ever seen - it's made out of real grenadilla wood (I think it's grenadilla... pretty traditional) and when I played it the sound was so warm and thick ^_^ Apparently Ms. Sampson's going to choose the best player and whoever that is gets to use that clarinet. We also got a cute little soprano clarinet - exactly like a B flat one, only way smaller and with a nicer sound I think. But it's only a specialty instrument and we won't be using it much. So after THAT, everyone left except Sarah so I asked if she wanted to come get my cheque with me for something to do. We went, I got it, she got a sammich, then we went to 17th so I could cash it. Then we felt like wandering around the new and used video game store nearby, then the Disc Xchange. I heart the Disc Xchange =D They had almost all VHS on for one dollar each - Sarah bought about 11 movies and a CD and I got the VHS boxed set of the first seven Star Trek movies *dances with joy*. It was originally 65 dollars, but the guy was really nice and gave it to me for 25. Oh, and I found Pink Floyd: The Wall VHS and a Meat Loaf DVD. The "Hot Summer Night" video by him would be perfect to shadow cast for the Halloween Rocky Horror ^^ I'd post it here but all I can find on YouTube is a fairly new live performance of it and not the actual video. So yeah - I think someone needs to come over some time and have a movie night or something :)

And now a more serious and not fangirlish note. Seriously. I mean it! lol.

Last night it was really hard to fall asleep. I kept thinking about the future and worrying about how I'm not doing good enough now to prepare for that future. Plus some other stuff - usually in these moods I think about pretty much everything else bad in my life. So I was tossing and turning for about an hour and a half before I fell asleep. Not as bad as usual, but still. I'm sick of always having these things creep up on my in the night as soon as the lights go out. There's some more I want to talk about, but I just don't feel like getting into all that again now. What else... oh yeah. Another thing I've been thinking about lately is my lack of motivation in school. These days it seems I'm just forcing myself through each day at a bare minimum. But now that I've joined wrestling, I'm hoping it can give me a boost of energy and, well, motivation. Because I've been so lazy when it comes to anything work related. Obviously. Fuuuuck I still need math help. I'll have to stay after class (DOUBLE MATH TOMORROW DX) and talk to my teacher. Sometimes I just naturally tune out teachers lol. It's like it's become programmed into my brain that they exist to be ignored lol. I'm going to have to work on that.

Well I'm going to go now. Mom yelling at me down the stairs 9_9

Good night, insignificant percentage of the world that is reading this.


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